40 Bunar Fest

"40 Bunar Fest" asht festival tradicional, garë, që mahet n'Prizren.
N'kët festival krejt njerzt, kush t'don, paraqitet edhe lshohet me guma traktori dhe me kunxh nëpër lumin Bistrica.
Lumi asht i ftoft dhe i rrezikshëm, prandaj duhet me u pajis me disa gjana shtesë që munden me qenë t'mirëseardhuna gjatë kësaj gare.

"40 Bunar Fest" is a traditional festival, race, which is held in Prizren.
Everyone who has a tractor tube and a “kunxh” (coonj) can show herself (himself) and participate in this festival and experience the thrill and adrenaline in her (his) blood.

The river is dangerous and very cold, because of this, the participant must have a helmet and other protective things.